Have you read Polly Want a Sprout? yet?
If not, keep reading to learn what you are missing!
This book helped me understand Leslie’s tried and true recipe for healthy companion parrots – whatever their species.
It uses readily available scientific data to discuss holistic solutions that anyone can benefit from. This book focuses on preventing (and reversing) disease by explaining specific nutritional facts that lay the foundation for building good health and wellbeing. These are Leslie’s parrot nutrition essentials. This book also educates the reader about how to avoid common toxic exposures.
Leslie’s “Balanced Food Plan” taps into the blueprint for perfect health that lies within each bird. Furthermore, her nutritional approach and parrot nutrition essentials can address any health problem that your parrot or finch may be facing.
Furthermore, it exposes the old perspectives on bird care that have been proven to harm our birds. This is the main cause of the current avian malnutrition epidemic.

Small parrot or finch Balanced Food Plan sample
Parrots and finches have very specific nutritional needs that aren’t met by feeding a wide variety of foods. This approach lacks the basic parrot nutrition essentials of a balanced food plan.
Beware of the information on the Internet. Leslie has devoted decades to learning and understanding the true facts about avian nutrition. The information she uses to support a bird’s health comes from published scientific papers. And she is sharing this essential knowledge with you now!
I learned how to sprout for my birds to establish a wholesome foundation for their well-being. The information in this book – even the scientific explanations – is easy to read and understand. “Polly Want a Sprout?” also helped me improve my sprouting methods.
This books nudges oneself to embark on a journey of personal healing along with birds, because the knowledge it provides has a meaningful influence in our lives.
If you are looking for a health promoting approach for your birds, you are in the right place! Visit our blog’s section “Balanced Food Plan” as a stepping stone to supercharge your caring ability – the right way.
Contact Leslie for a personalized Balanced Food Plan consultation, and purchase your copy of “Polly Want a Sprout?” to learn the parrot nutrition essentials for your bird’s health. Additionally, you can help end avian malnutrition when you order a copy of the book for your veterinarian (free shipping!).
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I appreciated it when you shared that it is important to provide specific nutritional needs by feeding a wide variety of foods for your parrot. My friend just mentioned the other day that she is planning to buy a parrot as she has always loved the bird since she was a kid. I will suggest to her get it from a reliable store and make sure to provide the right food for it.
Hi Taylor,
Thanks for your comment.
Allow me to clarify a few things.
I learned the hard way, when I first started caring for parrots, that ‘feeding a wide variety of foods’ is a recipe for disaster. Why do I say this? Because by following this old and outdated advice, every pair of parrots I bought for breeding either died or developed serious health conditions shortly afterwards.
Chapter 14 in my book, “Polly Want a Sprout?”, goes into these early experiences I had in great detail.
The reason that ‘feeding a wide variety of foods’ is a recipe for disaster is because this approach does not provide parrots the thousands of nutrients they need to eat every day for good health. And, this approach also does not provide parrots the proper balance of nutrients essential for good health.
I invite you to take a look at two recent blog posts that provides more detail on the problems of feeding a wide variety of foods.
Here, at Best Bird Food Ever! my main goal is to promote avian wellness through a Balanced Food Plan. I teach people how to feed their parrots the best diet possible by following and feeding my, “Balanced Food Plan for Parrots”, that uses BBFE! as a main food in the diet.
Also, buying parrots from stores has a unique set of problems. I suggest that people adopt a parrot from a reputable rescue organization.
Presently, I am in discussion with more than one parrot breeder to have them begin following and feeding my balanced food plan to improve the health, quality and longevity of the birds they breed. Then I would be able to begin recommending these breeders as they will be producing birds of exceptional quality — not presently available.
Because of the Healthy Bird Project I am privileged to have access to parrot necropsy information. There is a genetic disorder (that no one has yet published on) that has the potential for seriously depleting exotic breeding stock in American aviculture. It is one disease that is not commonly known, cannot be tested for, shows no symptoms, and kills birds at a young age. This makes my mission of improving the health and wellness of parrots an even more urgent matter. This compounds the problem of avian malnutrition being a medical emergency.
We have an Affiliate Program and I invite you to consider joining us in raising awareness about the essential need to feed parrots a Balanced Food Plan.
The Health & Wellbeing of Your Parrots is my Passion,
Leslie Moran
Hi Leslie… Greetings from India! I want to know if there are any take aways for a chicken breeder in your book… Thanks in advance.
Hi Ananth,
Yes, I think there are many things you would earn and be able to use with your chickens. For example you’d learn about the value of sprouting for your chickens (and yourself). The value of ‘clean’ water and feeding organic foods are discussed in detail. These topics alone can improve the health of your flock. And if you can get and use GSE (grapefruit seed extract) you’ll see even more improvements.
I’d love to hear what you think of my book, “Polly Want a Sprout?”. I have known people with chickens who invite their birds to come inside a sleep in a large parrot at night.
The health & wellness of your birds is my passion.