The finest collection of foods and select nutritional supplements promoting the health and well being of parrots.

Original Sprouting Blend, packaged and at three days growth-ready to feed. ……………………………………………
We specialize in using food and nutrition as medicine by providing the MOST wholesome, nutritious, organic bird food for a healthier, happier bird.
Since I first began caring for birds in 1997 my beliefs about the ideal foods to feed that provide quality avian nutrition have changed a lot. My birds have taught me what they need for good health and now Iʼm sharing their wisdom with you.
My work in using food as medicine for healing parrots is about getting positive results. When it comes to using food as medicine I think ‘outside the box’ – a blend of science, common sense and an awareness of what the body needs for healing.
When following my “Balanced Exotic Avian Food Plan”, you’re feeding wholesome, natural foods, no supplements or additional herbal preparations are needed.
Why are we seeing the outcomes weʼre documenting? Many think itʼs because of my unique approach to supporting avian wellness. If you’d like to be able to have results similar to (or surpassing) what we’ve already seen – results that only the finest quality nutrition can offer – you’ve come to the right place.
Thank you for visiting, together we can make a difference.
In Health & Healing for Your Parrots,