Can I feed my parrots broccoli sprouts?
Aside from the healthy habit of giving broccoli to your birds, broccoli sprouts have great benefits to offer too. AND parrots that don’t want to eat broccoli can enjoy of its properties by eating broccoli sprouts.
This topic is covered in detail in ‘The Holistic Parrot’ column, January, 2022, issue 288 of Parrots magazine. This article explains the safe amounts of broccoli sprouts to feed a parrot, how to find the right type of broccoli seeds for sprouting, and the numerous health benefits that broccoli sprouts provide.
Broccoli sprouts are rich in a variety of antioxidants that are very beneficial to birds.
Feeding your parrots broccoli sprouts is especially beneficial for birds that have not yet learned to enjoy eating the vegetable broccoli. Especially, if they are already enjoying other types of sprouts.
And feeding broccoli sprouts as a part of Leslie’s balanced food plan for parrots will ensure they get all the nutrients that broccoli has to offer.
Broccoli sprouts are famous for their high content in sulphoraphane – a potent antioxidant with cancer-fighting properties. Although mature broccoli plants contain less of this nutrient.
Learn more about the benefits of giving your birds sprouts here.

Did you know that sulphoraphane has the ability to turn off disease-genes?
This nutrient has a high bioavailability, which means the body of the animals can easily absorb and receive all the benefits that it has to offer.
Some of the benefits of eating sulphoraphane rich, broccoli sprouts are:
- Prevents and treats cancer and tumors
- Improves diabetes symptoms
- Reduces “bad cholesterol” (LDL)
- Protects vascular system
- And many others!
In addition, we can find other valuable nutrients in broccoli and broccoli sprouts including glucosinolates, choline, glutathione and folate.

Broccoli seeds sprouting process
And because these nutrients are very fragile, it’s important to have fresh and raw broccoli sprouts. The processing that manufacturers use to make supplements and extracts often destroys a portion of the nutrients that they advertise to have.
That’s why sprouting your own broccoli seeds is a great way to go! And to support your bird’s and your own wellness path we now have a high-quality broccoli seed product for sprouting.
If you don’t yet know Best Bird Food Ever!, complete protein sprouting blends visit our store!
Start feeding the best organic sprouting blend so your birds recceives the best parrot diet.
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