There are as many different definitions describing holistic health care as there are people embracing its restorative capabilities. My holistic approach for helping your parrots be as healthy and happy as possible includes these five areas:

Crimson-winged Parrot, hen, enjoy BBFE sprouting blend.
1. Use only foods, products and practices that properly support and nourish the body’s own natural healing processes.
2. What you avoid is equally as important as what you include.
3. Recognize and acknowledge that our parrots, birds and other animals are holistic beings. This means they have mental, emotional and physical aspects that are sustained by the Universal Life Force Energy that flows within all living things.
4. Be willing to acknowledge that each individual animal is sentient, self aware and makes choices.
5. Understanding that healing is a process.
Use Only Supportive Measures
The physical body has an amazing ability for self-healing and regeneration. However, these processes can only work properly and efficiently when the body has been given the nutrients it needs. In my holistic work with parrots, and other animals, I have repeatedly seen that the food eaten has the biggest impact on their level of health and well-being. The diet a bird consumes is either so nutrient rich that it supports good health, or it produces illness and disease. Our USDA certified organic complete protein sprouting blends provide the foundation for all the personalized diet and nutritional plans I create. I formulated these sprouting blends because our birds need them, their quality and formulation surpasses all other foods. Our clinical observations are documenting that our sprouting blends have the capability of preventing illness and reversing disease.
Choose Well – What to Avoid and Include
When using diet and nutrition for maintaining good health and wellness, or healing any disease state, what you decide to avoid is equally as important as what you choose to include. The liver is the primary organ of elimination in the body. Everything a parrot is exposed to in the water, food and their environment must be processed by the liver. Fatty liver disease is common among many parrots. According to the avian veterinary medical text, Avian Medicine: Principles and Practices, one of the most common causes of fatty liver disease in parrots is malnutrition. The personalized diet and nutritional plans I design for my clients include detailed information regarding what to include and what to avoid to promote the highest level of health and healing.
Parrots Are Holistic Beings
Four Elements in One: Parrots, and other animals, have four elements in common. These are the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects that come together in a unique blend making each individual who they are. The mental aspect includes a bird’s belief system that guides them in making decisions and choices. This belief system can also cause them to react a certain way, instead of being able to make a choice regarding their actions. The emotional side includes how they feel – happy, safe, frightened or well-cared for and loved. The physical aspect is a bird’s body, their diet, and the environment they live in.
Parrots Are Sentient and Self Aware
In a holistic model we acknowledge that parrots are sentient. Webster’s Dictionary defines sentient as being able to perceive by the senses, experiencing sensation or feeling. This means they have consciousness. They are aware of themselves and their environment. They have the ability to think about what’s going on around them, make decisions and then choose an action. During consultations for improving inappropriate behaviors the birds are always given a choice regarding how they want to participate. This lays the groundwork for building cooperative relationships based on mutual respect and trust.
Holistic Healing is a Process
Utilizing a holistic approach to healing is a process, and this process takes time. When using diet, nutrition and other natural healing practices we are actually supporting the body’s natural healing and regenerative capabilities. This means that as diseased cells in the body grow old and die, they are replaced by newer healthier cells. Cells made healthy by the nutrient rich diet and other natural supportive healing practices being used. Understanding that healing takes time can help you be patient with this process. Your patience honors your parrot as an individual and respects the natural progression of their body’s own healing processes.
Why Use a Natural and Holistic Approach?
Why would you want a personalized consultation that gives you a diet plan especially for your bird? When using diet and nutrition to create health, wellness and for supporting natural healing and regenerative processes the nutrients provided must feed the needs of the body. And the foods eaten must nourish the cells of the body. Only this can promote good health and wellness. A diet that lacks vital nutrients and balance causes malnutrition. And malnutrition causes illness, disease and early death of birds everywhere.
Why would you want a personalized consultation ? Because it’s the most direct way to ensure that you’re providing your parrot a diet specifically matched to their unique needs. Why use a holistic approach for your bird? Use a natural and holistic approach because it can produce results that outshine what is possible with other methods.
I look forward to helping you get the results you desire for the birds under your care.
For more information on a personalized consultation see our Consultations Page or email us at [email protected] .
If your concerns include inappropriate behaviors and/or emotional issues you may want information on Leslie’s Animal Healing and Communication Sessions.
Leslie Morán is not a licensed veterinarian, she cannot prescribe, diagnose, or recommend. The information she provides is educational in nature. Her work is based on her experiences since 1980 in natural and holistic care for companion animals and the home environment. The client is wholly responsible for seeking and obtaining any necessary veterinary care or medical advice.