One of the qualities that connects us with all other life on this planet is that each of us possess the innate ability to heal.
If injured, our bodies mend, if our spirits are saddened through a loss, with time we do recover. For those drawn to reacquaint themselves with the healer already present, yet sleeping within, Reiki provides one possible pathway.
What is Reiki?
The name Reiki (ray-kee) is a combination of the Japanese words Rei (meaning free passage) and Ki (meaning universal life energy). It can be described as the universal life force energy that is present in all living things. Reiki is a form of ‘laying on of hands’ that allows the practitioner to serve as a conduit to access and convey this energy. Reiki encourages and supports the body’s own natural healing processes in a subtle, yet very profound way. During a treatment the energy always flows to where it is most needed in the body. In order to access the specific frequency of healing energies that Reiki represents, a series of attunements must be given. The attunements, once received, open and align one to each corresponding level of the Reiki energy.
Reiki Level One
This initiation introduces the practitioner to the Reiki energy. In this class you will learn the history of Reiki, how Reiki heals, how to give a Reiki treatment, how to combine Western and Japanese Reiki styles, and the hand positions for treating oneself, other people and animals.
At this level the practitioner must be physically touching the one receiving the Reiki treatment. And for the Reiki energy to continue growing and strengthening it must be cultivated, worked with on a regular basis. When a Reiki practitioner’s hands are touching another, the energy flows without any conscious direction or effort. When the hands are removed, it stops. After the Reiki practitioner has developed confidence in their Level One abilities the Level Two initiation may undertaken.
Reiki Level Two
At this level the Reiki practitioner is taught to more fully utilize the healing Reiki energy. This class is a combination of lecture, discussion, demonstration and participation. You will be introduced to and receive the attunements for the Reiki level two symbols. As you gain full understanding of their compete meaning, you will actively learn how to use them for doing long-distance healing, as well as sending Reiki healing energy to past or future events.
Using Reiki With Animals

Leslie doing ‘hands-on healing’ work with this senior dog.
Because I do healing work with animals, and the people who love them, I have a unique understanding of giving Reike treatments to animals. Topics covered in class will include:
– How do different species respond to Reiki?
– How do I give a Reiki treatment if he won’t stand, or lay still for me?
– When is the best time to give an animal a Reiki treatment?
– How do I know if an animal is enjoying the Reiki?
– Discover a dependable way to have all your animal Reiki sessions be successful.
Animals Receiving Reiki Attunements

Leslie and Elvis, Green-cheeked Conure.
In first degree Reiki it is taught that whenever a Reiki practitioner’s hands are touching someone the Reiki healing energy is naturally activated and begins flowing out of the hands and into whomever the practitioner is touching. This presents a very remarkable opportunity to animals who have been initiated in Reiki.
The animals can receive their Reiki initiations when the class receives theirs using a full body photo of the animal alone, taken within the last year. Animal reiki initiations can also be given long-distance using the same type of photo.
An Animal’s Life Force Energy
Due to the individual nature of each species of animal each one relates to the earth and their environment in a unique way. Those with feathers and the four-legged ones actually participate in an energy exchange with Mother earth.
There are a variety of situations that can cause a decrease in the quality and volume of this energy exchange. The way an animal perceives and experiences physical, emotional, or mental stress are key factors. The presence, or the development, of illness, physical symptoms such as itching, or emotional, or behavioral changes can indicate that this energy flow has become constricted. Using a healing process that I created I teach my clients and Reiki students how to remedy this and help restore a healthy and proper energy flow between an animal and the earth.
Reiki Balances and Heals
After an animal receives a Reiki initiation the presence of the universal life force energy which saturates Reiki adds a richness and depth to the healing energy exchange between the animals and the earth.
How Reiki Helps Heal
Having your critter kids initiated in Reiki can help them in their process of healing emotional, behavioral, or physical imbalances. This occurs because as the Reiki energy is naturally activated they also receive this healing energy as they are giving it. Reiki can also help keep them healthy. As the energy flows it is an ideal preventive health care healing method. It can provide the animals the awareness of having a very important job regarding the healing work they are now able to do with themselves, for you, and for the planet. Many animals are so grateful to be able to give back to the people they love by giving Reiki to them. All it takes is a paw on your thigh or in your hand and you are receiving first degree Reiki from your critter kid.
As the animals receive the second and third degree Reiki attunements their ability to access the healing properties of the universal life force energy increases. They can also become more creative in giving and sending Reiki healing as well.
Reiki Level Three
This initiation, for people, is usually given as a one-on-one training. Additional Reiki symbols are given and the practitioner learns how to more fully deepen their connection with the Reiki healing energy.
In health & healing for the animals you love,
Please contact us for scheduled classes or to invite Leslie to teach a Reiki classes for your club or group.