Did you know that diet can affect an animal’s behavior? Have you considered that emotions and behavior can influence health and illness?
There are as many different definitions describing holistic health care as there are people embracing its restorative manner. To me, utilizing a holistic approach involves recognizing that our animal companions are holistic beings. But what does this mean?
In my experience all non-human sentient beings are self-aware and have four elements in common. These are the spiritual, physical, mental and emotional aspects that come together in a unique blend making each individual who they are. Although these components will be discussed separately, each aspect actively influences and impacts all the others. Keeping this in mind will help illustrate the benefit of taking a holistic approach.
The spiritual aspect, is the magic of life itself. Another way to think of it is the life force energy – that which brings life, as we know it, into being. Brilliant minds have discussed these attributes for generations. It would take volumes to describe them completely. I acknowledge that this quality contributes to the unique make-up of each individual and affirm that it is as tangible and viable as anything you can see or feel.
The physical aspect includes an animal’s body, the diet, and the environment he or she lives in. The physical body is affected by the quality and type of food that is eaten. A balanced diet varies from species to species. Each individual often has unique nutritional needs depending upon distinctive genetic qualities. Inherited traits and physical attributes greatly influence the health of an individual.
An animal’s environment also affects his physical body. Toxins or pollutants in the atmosphere or the food or water become substances that the body must deal with. As with people, some can cope with these chemical insults better than others. There is a growing body of evidence linking the use of pesticides to a wide variety of diseases.
Health care treatments also make an impression on the body’s natural ability to heal and restore itself to balance. Choosing methods that support and nourish the body’s natural healing abilities can often produce results not possible with drugs or medications. These can include diet and nutrition, homeopathy, medicinal herbs, or nutritional supplements.
The mental aspect represents an animal’s personal belief system. This includes decisions that have been made based on past experiences and the choices possible for an animal to make.
The emotional aspect describes the wide range of feelings and perceptions an animal can have. In my experience they are capable of perceiving sentiment as deeply as you or I. Some species I have communed with possess such an emotional depth that by comparison humans appear superficial and shallow. The impact that emotions have on health or illness has been long been recognized by traditional, and alternative, human health care providers alike.
When approaching any situation from a holistic perspective, all aspects affecting the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual qualities of an individual are taken into consideration. There is, potentially, a vast amount of information to review when working toward restoring emotional or physical wellness using a holistic approach. This is where the benefits of working with an experienced consultant are seen, one with firsthand knowledge in helping resolve a wide array of situations.
For example, dietary and nutritional changes can be made that will directly help support the change of many inappropriate behaviors. When considering emotional traumas, through identifying and facilitating the healing of deep-seated wounds many behavior difficulties just fade away. When coping with any type of health problem the body’s natural healing processes can be supported by sessions designed especially for addressing the interrelated aspects of the disease or illness. These associated feelings and impressions can follow a pattern or be entirely unique for each individual.
Many times when working holistically with an animal, the family, especially the primary caretaker, receives benefits as well. These can be experienced as gaining a new outlook on the situation, feeling supported and encouraged, and having hope restored or suspicions confirmed.
Whether an animal experiences good health or illness grows out of a combination of factors – the distinctive blend of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual qualities. Each animal is an individual and each situation is unique. This is why personalized consultations provide the clearest information, present a clear plan of action, and produce the best results.
Utilizing a holistic approach to healing is a process. Each animal is a living, breathing, feeling, self-aware being. And each individual animal chooses his or her own path to wellness. Honoring your critter kid, by accompanying and helping facilitate his or her process respects the individual, the chosen path, and the body’s natural healing abilities – as well as life itself.
Are your critter kid(s) experiencing or they have experienced traumas, difficulties, or health issues? Would you like to discover how to receive the benefits this method of healing offers? Click on Fees, or the Contact Us link.If you think using herbs, and other supplements, is Holistic Health Care for Parrots, let me explain why I think this band-aid approach to health is not holistic healthcare. And to do this we need to first take a look at what the word ‘Holistic’ means.

Eclectus hen enjoying the BBFE Complete Protein Sprouts.
If you think using herbs, and other supplements, is Holistic Health Care for Parrots, let me explain why I think this band-aid approach is not holistic healthcare. It’s more like throwing herbs and supplements at a problem, instead of providing the body a balance all the hundreds of nutritional tools it needs to be able to heal itself. The body heals itself by regenerating healthy cells in place of diseased ones. So if you’re not seeing the results you’d hoped for, I’d like you to consider changing how you are nourishing your parrot’s physical body. But first, let’s take a look at what the word ‘Holistic’ means.
Holistic Defined
Utilizing a holistic approach involves recognizing that our animal companions are holistic beings. But what does this mean?
To define Holistic we need to first look at similarities that exist between us and the animals. In my experience all human and non-human sentient beings–the animals–are self-aware. This self-awareness means we share four elements in common with the animals. These four elements are the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects that come together in a unique blend making each individual who they are. Below, I will discuss each of these components individually. However, it is essential to understand that each of these different aspects—the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual—actively influence and have an effect on all of the other aspects. If you keep this in mind it will help illustrate the benefits of using a true holistic approach for healing your parrots and finches, or any other animals you love and care about.

A nutritionally balanced meal for parrots is the foundation of any holistic health care program.
The Physical Body
I place the physical body first in line when discussing a holistic healing approach because we are all in physical form. Each of us, whether dog, cat, parrot or person has a physical body.
Food and Environment
In addition to the physical body, the physical aspect includes the diet a bird eats and the environment he or she lives in. Fresh water, food, nutrition—lack of nutrition—and the physical environment can either support or sabotage all healing efforts. Because avian malnutrition is still the leading cause of illness, disease and early death of parrots and finches feeding your birds a wholesome and nutritionally balanced selection of foods is the most important part of using a holistic healthcare approach with your birds. Because this entire website is dedicated to Ending Avian Malnutrition you’ve found the best place online for learning how to improve the quality of foods you feed your flock.
The Mental Aspect
This represents a parrot’s personal belief system. This includes decisions that have been made based on past experiences and the choices possible for an animal to make.

Parrots practice feather destruction when they can no longer cope with emotional stresses. Green-checked conure exhibiting feather destruction habits. BEFORE
The Emotional Aspect
This describes the wide range of feelings and perceptions a parrot can have. In my experience birds are capable of perceiving sentiment as deeply as you or I. This is one reason why using my Animal Communication and Healing Work can easily assist the animals to heal through emotional traumas bringing each one to a place of inner calm and improved behaviors.
The Spiritual Aspect
This is the magic of life itself. Another way to think of it is the life force energy—that which gives life into physical form. I acknowledge that this quality contributes to the unique make-up of each individual and affirm that it is as tangible and viable as anything you can see or feel.

One of Leslie’s Orchids
Holistic Healing Takes Time
Utilizing a holistic approach to healing is a process. Each parrot, or other animal, is a living, breathing, feeling, self-aware being. And each individual animal chooses his or her own path to wellness.
Especially when you’re using a ‘Balanced Exotic Avian Food Plan’ to promote health and wellness in your parrot, or finch, it takes time for the body to heal itself by regenerating healthy cells in place of diseased ones.