Supportive Healing Work for Your Critter Kids
Over the past 27 years I have developed specific processes for restoring an animal’s inner strength from the inside out: emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Initially, I thought these were only visualizations for building and nurturing an animal’s self confidence and self esteem. However, it was soon recognized that these processes touched an animal, and influenced behavior, on a much more profound level than could be attributed to building confidence and self worth. Now, they are recognized as sacred initiations, for the animals, which truly facilitate their ability to heal from the inside out. This healing method is called Moran Mochaya. Mochaya is Sanskrit for ‘being set free’.

About Moran Mochaya
There are four parts to this supportive, healing, work. These include “The Preparation”, “The Bridge”, “The Personal Affirmation”, and “The Web of Life”. Understanding the importance of your participation in your critter kid’s healing process is very important. We are all connected in the web of life. The intentions you hold for wanting to support their healing process is one of the reasons these animal initiations create such powerful results. The initiation plants the seed and gives rise to germination. Your support work nurtures its growth. The willingness and love you will be sharing with them as you do these exercises will also reinforce the ties which link us all and strengthen our collective awareness of our connection with the Divine. This is significant.
Learning Moran Mochaya
Moran Mochaya is taught to students attending my Reiki Level One Class. I also teach the Moran Mochaya healing processes to my clients during personalized consultations. When you learn Moran Mochaya you help support your animal’s natural healing processes.
In Health & Healing for the Animals You Love,
For more information on the Moran Mochaya Healing Process please contact us or schedule a personalized consultation with Leslie.