Sir Charles, White-eyed Conure exercising, a rescue.
Parrots are emotionally rich and diverse individuals. The work done to heal and resolve feather destruction exemplifies the uniqueness of each bird, of each situation, and of each individual’s remarkable healing capabilities.
Parrots engage in feather destruction as a last resort in an attempt to cope with stress. What is ‘stressful’ to one individual may or may not be stressful to another. When an individual becomes ‘stressed’ the body uses nutrients at an accelerated rate.
The consultations I provide for healing feather destruction use a holistic program because this produces the best results. Feeding your bird the highest quality diet providing balanced nutrition ensures the entire bird is nourished. Your bird’s belief systems that encourage the destructive behavior must be identified and transformed into supportive life-affirming practices. The stressors adversely effecting each parrot must be identified. And the emotions that reinforce the ‘stressful’ feather destructive habits must be identified and these emotional wounds must be supported in healing.
How Healing & Communication Work Supports your Parrot’s Healing
Because parrots are sentient and self-aware the best way to identify the stressors and the emotional aspects affecting your bird are by having me do a Healing and Communication Session with your parrot. Once the ‘source incident’ has been identified, your bird’s emotional healing can begin.
Over the years I have done personalized Healing and Communication Sessions with a wide variety of animals. These sessions have transformed an equally diverse number of inappropriate behaviors for these animals and the people who love them. Taking advantage of having this healing work, that can be done with your bird long distance, can produce transformative results. If you have any questions about my holistic approach to healing feather destruction can help your parrot, please send me an email.
To the best of health for your flock!
For a glimpse into Leslie’s Communication & Healing Work that can help heal and resolve feather destruction behaviors please read: Natural Parrot Care: Healing Feather Destruction, 1 of 7.
For another case study discussing Leslie’s Healing & Communication Work follow this link to: “Healing Emotional Upsets & Behavior Issues at the Source”.
Hi Leslie, I have three (quite different) PBFD parrots, two rainbow lorikeets and a red cap parrot. I feed a combination of fruit n veg to all, Lori dry to the rainbows and seed t the red cap. I understand that with PBFD they will eventually lose most of their feathers. Is there anything specific I can add to their diet to at the least slow this down?
Hi Wendy,
I have much experience in using a balanced food plan for parrots with PBFD.
The best thing you can do for all your birds is to start feeding BBFE! as properly grown sprouts and un-sprouted as a cooked MASH. This MASH recipe is in the Recipe Blog section. Feed this MASH in place of any pellets or other dried foods. Our complete protein formula is essential to support the immune system.
Then, start everyone of my ‘Balanced Exotic Avian Maintenance Diet Food Plan’. Stop all seeds and work on teaching everyone to eat healthier foods.
Even though Lorikeets are nectar feeders, they can also eat BBFE! sprouts.
I am presently working on my recipe book that will provide more details for my ‘Balanced Exotic Avian Maintenance Diet Food Plan’. If you want more details before this book is published, please consider scheduling a personalized consultation with me. Then I can provide information more specific to each bird’s unique situation.
The health and wellness of your birds is my passion.