Elvis, Green-cheeked Conure has been on a ‘Balanced Food Plan’ since joining our family.
Parrots must eat hundreds of nutrients every day. Learn how our bird food sprouting blends take the guesswork out of feeding your flock balanced nutrition. And how to choose the best sprouts for your birds.
Feed Your Flock the Best
I know you want to do what’s right when it comes to feeding your birds. That’s why you found this website. You want your birds to be happy and healthy with beautiful feathers, cooperative behaviors and lovable personalities. Properly balanced avian nutrition will give you all of these things. But what is ‘properly balanced avian nutrition’?
According to avian veterinarians malnutrition is the leading cause of illness, disease and premature death of birds everywhere. (1) This statistic is tragic! Especially since avian malnutrition can easily be prevented.
For good health and wellness birds must consume hundreds of nutrients everyday. The reason avian malnutrition is so prevalent is that most birds are not fed all nutrients they need.
Watch Out for ‘Old School’ Feeding Advice
Did you know that seeds, pellets, fresh fruit and vegetables only provide a portion of the nutrients a bird needs for optimal health and wellness? Did you know that feeding a diet of mostly seeds is the historical cause of avian malnutrition.(1) But now there’s another type of nutritional deficiency commonly occurring in birds. Did you know that over-supplementing your bird causes another type of nutritional imbalance? Feeding formulated diets in conjunction with readily available avian vitamin and mineral supplements causes an excess in certain nutrients or unbalance of nutrients which also causes avian malnutrition. (1)
All parrots – Amazons, African greys, macaws, conures, cockatoos, cockatiels, budgerigars, love birds, lories, quakers and all other species – need to consume a variety of nutritionally balanced and wholesome foods daily.
Balanced Avian Nutrition

Our Complete Protein, Original Sprouting Blend, properly grown, three days growth.
Each species of bird has general nutritional needs. And each individual bird within a species has specific nutritional requirements. However, there is one food you can add to your bird’s diet – right now – that they will benefit from. All the birds under your care will be helped from eating this food because it’s the most nutrient rich food on the planet. You’ve got to be feeding properly grown sprouts to your birds or they’re missing vital nutrients.
Our sprouting blends have been formulated to fill a specific need. If using diet and nutrition for health and healing, is what really matters – you’ll want to feed our sprouting blends. Why?
Because All Sprouting Blends are Not Created Equal
Sprouts are the most nutrient dense food on the planet. However, when you’re feeding sprouts to birds there are certain properties and qualities you want the blend to have.
ID the Best Sprouts for your Bird:
Questions to ask:
1. Is it a USDA Certified Organic product?

USDA Organic, BBFE Sprouts
2. Has it been formulated to provide complete protein? Why is complete protein important?
3. Do the ingredients have compatible germination rates and growing needs? Or does the blend have ‘filler’ ingredients that won’t germinate. These ‘filler’ ingredients can start spoiling very quickly, because they can’t grow and this creates bacteria and mold in the sprouts. Poorly formulated sprouting blends is why many avian vet hate sprouts.
4. Does the company exclaim that “Soaked Seed is more Nutritious that Sprouts”? If so be wary, this statement is untrue. Learn the scientifically documented truth here – Soaked vs Sprouted Seed
5. Who formulated the blend?
6. What is their background in holistic avian nutrition? Be wary of the information on ‘anonymous’ websites – no author, no footnotes for their data, no contact phone number or address.
7. Has the company done any clinical work documenting the healthful properties of their sprouting blends?
Why Feed Our Sprouting Blends?
Using diet and nutrition for healing and creating good health for your birds is the foundation of my work.
We want to make it easy for you to provide your birds the highest quality, sprouting blends available. And we want you to successful in learning to sprout the correct way for the climate where you live. We also want you to begin getting results comparable to those seen with my clients and the birds under my care.
Our sprouting blends have been especially formulated to provide complete protein. This single factor can produce huge results towards preventing and curing the symptoms of avian malnutrition or healing illness and disease. Avian caretakers need to begin feeding complete protein sprouting blends to their birds. Our sprouting blends were created specifically to meet this need.
Learn About the Nutrients in Our Sprouting Blends

Original Sprouting Blend, packaged and at three days growth-ready to feed.
Only our Sprouting Blends have been shown to be a functional food. Recent clinical observations have indicated that our proprietary 100% Organic – Compete Protein – Sprouting Blends may have played a role in preventing the development of certain diseases typically associated with a parrot’s normal aging process. Discover the features and benefits of our sprouting blends.
Witness the difference our sprouting blends will make for your birds.
I know you’re a caretaker who takes pride in feeding the best. A caretaker who wants to do the right thing for your birds. One who’s concerned about proper, balanced, avian nutrition. You’re the type of person who takes care of the birds you love.
Why feed our sprouting blends? Because they’ll give you the results you’ve been looking for. Results you won’t get anywhere else. Make a commitment to your birds. Start feeding our Sprouting Blends today
“You’ve got to take care of the things you love.” Wisdom from a six year-old boy.
To the best of health for your flock!
(1) Avian Medicine: Principles and Application, Winger Publishing Inc, 1994.
Leslie Moran is an internationally recognized expert in holistic avian nutrition.
Read about Leslie Moran.
What are the actual seeds in your mix please I cant seem to find it on your web site many thanks many of my members are asking on our faceboook group Parrot Hobby Breeders UK
Hi Alex,
Here’s the link to the page explaining the ingredients in our sprouting blends.
Sprouting Blend Ingredients
In the UK people can buy our sprouting blends at
Garden Feathers
We can mail to people in the US, and we do mail international.
Also, I am seeking an appropriate EU distributor.