Sprouts Are the Most Nutritious Food that Exists
But for your parrots and finches to receive this nutritious benefits–you’ve got to be feeding properly grown sprouts that have these qualities:
- Must be formulated to provide your birds Complete Protein. An essential nutrient missing from almost all avian diets.
- Must have a compatible germination and growth rate. This prevents mold from developing.
- Must be a formula that will germinate and then grow for two to three day. This growth provides the best nutrition for your birds.
- Should be a certified organic food. Pesticide residues in food do horrible things to people and birds. Read our pages on feeding organic: “Why Feed Your Birds Organic”, and “USDA Certified Organic–What Does this Mean?”
- Must be fed as a part of a ‘Balanced Exotic Avian Maintenance Diet Food Plan’. This is the only way to ensure your birds are eating the hundreds of nutrients they must eat everyday.
We’ve Made Excellent Avian Nutrition Easy for You

Our Complete Protein, Original Sprouting Blend, properly grown, three days growth.
We can say this because, our sprouting blends have all the great qualities listed above. Because our sprouting blends will grow into beautiful sprouts in two to three days they will provide your parrots and finches essential nutrients missing in other poorly formulated sprouting blends. Because of this, our sprouts are truly the best choice for your parrots. For more info on this read, “Soaked vs Sprouted”, it explains the nutritional pitfalls of soaked-n-feed bird food products.
Our Sprouting Method is Quick and Simple
In only minutes a day, you can be successful–the first time–when growing our sprouting blends. Because they have a compatible germination and growth ate they are SUPER EASY to grow. Each bag includes a single-page instruction sheet.
Watch Out for Filler Ingredients
Does the sprouting blend have compatible germination rates and growing needs? Or does the blend have ‘filler’ ingredients that won’t germinate. These ‘filler’ ingredients can start spoiling very quickly, because they can’t grow and this creates bacteria and mold in your sprouts. Our Sprouting Blends are formulated so that all the ingredients in a blend germinate and grow at a rate compatible with all the other ingredients. This means no mold or bacteria in your BBFE sprouts, reduced waste and a higher quality food for you and your birds. Look for this important quality in the best sprouts for your parrots.
Excellent Nutrition is the Foundation for Good Health

Sample: a balanced meal for a pair of Crimson-winged parrots.
For your parrots and finches to have good health and wellness they must consume hundreds of nutrients everyday. There are two reasons avian malnutrition is so prevalent. First, most birds are not fed all nutrients they need. And secondly, these required nutrients are not fed in balanced amounts. According to avian veterinarians malnutrition is the leading cause of illness, disease and premature death of birds everywhere. (1) This statistic is tragic! Especially since avian malnutrition can easily be prevented.
Did you know that seeds, pellets, fresh fruit and vegetables only provide a portion of the nutrients a bird needs for optimal health and wellness? Did you know that feeding a diet of mostly seeds is the historical cause of avian malnutrition.(1) But now there’s another type of malnutrition commonly occurring in birds and this is caused by an imbalance of nutrients. When you feeding formulated (pellet) diets in conjunction with readily available avian vitamin and mineral supplements this causes an excess in certain nutrients, commonly the fat soluble vitamins A and D. When excess amounts of vitamin A and D are present in the avian body this causes system wide biochemical imbalances that prevents many essential nutrients from being absorbed. This type of nutritional imbalance also causes avian malnutrition. (1)
Because our sprouting blends have been especially formulated to promote health and wellness they naturally complement any fruits, vegetables or nuts you may now be feeding.
All parrots – Amazons, African greys, macaws, conures, cockatoos, cockatiels, budgerigars, love birds, lories, quakers and all other species – need to consume a variety of nutritionally balanced and wholesome foods daily. All birds would benefit from eating our sprouting blends.
Our Sprouting Blends Have Been Formulated to Fill a Specific Need
If using diet and nutrition for health and healing, is what really matters to you – you’ll want to feed our sprouting blends.
My goal is to End Avian Malnutrition in exotic birds, parrots and finches.
I invite you to join me by feeding your flock the BBFE Complete Protein Sprouting Blends as the Foundational food in your bird’s ‘Balanced Exotic Avian Food Plan’.
Get Started Today!
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This coupon cannot be used on our 25# boxes – those are already priced at a discount.
To the best of health for your flock!
(1) Avian Medicine: Principles and Application, Winger Publishing Inc, 1994.