Balanced Food Plan for Parrots (larger than 50 grams)
from Feeding your Birds the Ideal Combination of Wholesome, Real, Foods
This balanced food plan provides all the nutrients a parrot or finch needs from only whole, real foods. No supplements are required, and are best avoided. Our trials have seen great results in parrots with and without symptoms of avian malnutrition.
The idea of feeding parrots a wide variety of different foods is missing one important quality – it lacks balance. And unbalanced nutrition causes malnutrition in parrots.
This “Balanced Food Plan for Parrots” is the ‘basic’ balanced food plan.
If you parrot has a health condition please schedule a personal consultation for details specific to your bird’s condition.
.Parrots and finches require thousands of nutrients each day. And not only do these birds need to eat all of these nutrients everyday, but these nutrients must be eaten in balanced amounts. This complete nutritional balance is essential so that all the nutrients work together synergistically. This synergy assures that the avian body can use them properly. And the only way to ensure that birds eat the foods that can provide them these nutrients is by feeding balanced amounts of certain foods, while completely avoiding other foods entirely. These are foods that my research has found to be unhealthy for parrots. These foods on my DO NOT FEED LIST are ones that are commonly fed to parrots everyday.
The Plan’s Background
The approach I take to ‘Balanced Exotic Avian Nutrition’ has been an ongoing project since parrots and finches first joined my family in 1997. My background in using food and nutrition for preventing or reversing illness and disease in people and animals, combined with the research for my articles in Parrots magazine (since 2002) has guided me in creating this “Balanced Exotic Avian Maintenance Diet Food Plan”.
Proven Success
I have successfully used my balanced food plan with my own parrots and finches, and my client’s birds. This experience has given me an extensive and unique perspective of how simple and easy it is to use a proper balance of natural, organic, wholesome foods to provide parrots and finches all the thousands of nutrients they must eat everyday. Your birds must eat these thousands of nutrients daily to prevent, or reverse, the commonly seen, well-known symptoms of avian malnutrition. And to prevent chronic disease. Feeding your birds my balanced food plan also gives them the best opportunity for improving their health and wellbeing and giving them a long and happy life with you.

Best Bird Food Ever! complete protein sprouting blend at 3 days growth, ready to eat.
The Main Food in the Plan
My “Balanced Food Plan for Parrots” (larger than 50 grams) uses BBFE! Complete Protein Sprouting Blends as the main food. Why? Because BBFE! contains thousands of nutrients your birds must eat everyday. BBFE! Nutrients They Provide.
One of the most important nutrients BBFE! contains is complete protein. Complete protein is so essential for the health of parrots and finches that Chapter 5 in my book, “Polly Want a Sprout?” discusses this topic in detail.
Nutrients in BBFE!
BBFE! provides complete protein, catalytic digestive enzymes, vitamins B complex, pyridoxine (B6), C, E & K, several hundred unique antioxidants and phytonutrients, beta-carotene (the vitamin A precursor — beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A in the body), additional carotenoids, bioflavonoids, and superoxide dismutase (also called SOD – a powerful antioxidant). BBFE! has the ideal balanced calcium to phosphorus ratio for birds, along with magnesium, potassium, sodium, and chloride. BBFE! also contains all the key trace minerals selenium, zinc, copper, manganese, sulfur and iodine.

A balanced Macaw-sized meal.
Other Foods to Feed
My “Balanced Exotic Avian Maintenance Diet Food Plan” also includes other wholesome natural, preferably organic, foods, fed in specific amounts depending on the parrot species and sex, the bird’s size and condition of health or illness. These include a specific mix of certain fresh and lightly steamed vegetables, a specific amount of certain fresh and/or frozen fruits, specific nuts that provide an ideal balance of omega-3 to omega-6 essential fatty acids. Additionally, there are a few other specific whole foods included to provide a complete balance of nutrients in this “Balanced Exotic Avian Maintenance Diet Food Plan”.
Problems Eliminated
To remove any concerns linked to sprouting, common with other poor quality blends, BBFE! has been formulated with organic human-grade ingredients that have a compatible germination and growth rate. This prevents mold from developing because the ingredients grow into a life-giving food in 2 to 3 days.
Only Whole, Real Foods
My “Balanced Exotic Avian Maintenance Diet Food Plan” does not include pellets, or other packaged bird food products that I have seen cause harm to parrots. However, this balanced food plan provides healthier alternatives to these products. Dry seeds are only fed in limited amounts and only to specific small species of parrots and finches. The concerns about feeding seeds to parrots is discussed in Chapter 4, of my book, “Polly Want a Sprout?”.
Get your copy of my “Balanced Food Plan for Parrots” (larger than 50 grams) TODAY!

STOP feeding all seeds.
Essential for Your Bird
For more information please schedule a personalized consultation or a one hour Q&A appointment. During this consultation you will receive information specific to your bird’s condition. SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW
Learn more here: CONSULTATIONS
Please let me know your thoughts on my “Balanced Food Plan for Parrots” (larger than 50 grams).