From: Dave H.
To: Critter Connection
Subject: Re: Your Order has been Received
Hi Leslie
I’ve just been discussing sprouting seeds and someone said:
“Don’t do it with mung beans though as they have to be done in the dark
or they are very sour”
He also said:
“I sprouted some a few months ago and tasted them and they were sour,
posted on a forum and was told I had done it wrong as they need to be
done in the dark. I did do it in the dark but they got left out a couple
of days and although they were not as sour they were not sweet as you
buy them at a supermarket.”
I’ve never come across that before and I’ve been sprouted your mix for
many years without a problem and they taste fine to me
What are your thoughts?
Dave H.
From: Critter Connection
To: Dave H.
Subject: Re: Your Order has been Received

Our Complete Protein, Original Sprouting Blend, properly grown, three days growth.
Hi Dave,
The info you’ve provided from this unsuspecting soul is a perfect example of some of the wrong information that is on-line that he found and latched onto.
As you know, from sprouting my sprouting blends mung beans do just fine in the light, per the sprouting directions I provide. The mung beans grown in the dark for the Asian food industry are for ‘show’ , to decorate the serving plates in a manner similar to how we use parsley or thin orange slices.
If I were to ‘guess’ why his sprouts are coming out ‘sour’ , I would say it may be due to poor water quality, poor mung bean quality, or the wrong sprouting process. It could be anyone of these, or all three. You can suggest to this person that he get and sprout some of our sprouting blends for his birds. As if he’s putting random ingredients together his homemade mixes will not provide complete protein for his birds.
I hope this addresses the question his comments brought up for you.
Take care, how’s everyone in our flock doing?
To the best of health for you and your flock!
Author: Leslie Moran Leslie is skilled at using food and nutrition to reverse or prevent disease conditions from developing in the first place in parrots and finches. Since 2002 she has been researching the facts and translating the science of nutrition into practical solutions, and easy to use food combinations, for those who care about the health and well-being of the companion birds, parrots and finches, in their homes or their aviary flocks.