For your birds to receive the highest level of nutrition possible from sprouts, the sprouting blends you use must have these three qualities.
1. Made from high quality certified organic ingredients.
2. Be well formulated to provide complete protein.
3. And must be able to grow for at least two to three days.
Why Certified Organic Ingredients?x
When growing organic foods strict requirements must be met and maintained. The soils of organic farms have been conditioned using natural compost materials and organic farming practices that enrich the land. This process creates foods that contain a higher level of nutrients and are a much higher quality than commercially grown crops. Because of this sprouting blends made from USDA certified organic ingredients will germinate more readily. The end result is that you will have a highly nutritious food, and you will be able to recognize the quality when compared to non-organic sprouting blends.x
For more information see “Why Feed Your Birds Organic?”
What is a Well Formulated Sprouting Blend?

The Best Bird Food Ever! Complete Protein Sprouting Blend and at 3 days growth-ready to feed.
A well formulated sprouting blend was created with a purpose in mind. When Leslie Moran created the Best bird Food Ever! Sprouting Blends she put over 30 years of experience and holistic nutritional knowledge into developing them. And she did this with the health and well-being of your birds in mind.
The three most important qualities Leslie designed into her sprouting blends are:
1. They contain complete protein.
2. They have a compatible germination rate.
3. They are a functional food.
Why Must a Sprouting Blend Contain Complete Protein?
Every living organism is composed of protein. It forms the structural basis of life. Proteins are the primary building blocks for muscles, blood, skin, feathers, nails and vital internal organs. They are essential for proper growth and development and hormone regulation. Proteins are vital for a healthy immune system, the formation of enzymes and for the proper elimination of bodily wastes. In order for the body to properly utilize proteins specific amounts of all the essential amino acids must be present. Most other sprouting blends we have seen do not provide this balance of essential amino acids that are vital to a bird’s health and well being.

BBFE Original Complete protein Sprouting Blend, three days growth, ready to feed.
How Important Are Germination Rates?
The rate of germination and growth of sprouting blend ingredients is very important. This feature alone can be the reason for your success or the cause of your failure. If a sprouting blend contains ingredients that germinate and grow at different rates, you will see some elements growing wildly out of control while others have not yet begun to germinate. When this occurs some ingredients can begin to get moldy, and this will spoil the entire batch of sprouts.
One way that others attempt to get around this problem is to claim that ‘soaked seeds are more nutritious than sprouts’. This is a false statement. The complete article discussing this topic, ‘A Sprouting Controversy, Soaked versus Sprouted’ first appeared in Leslie Morán’s monthly column, ‘The Holistic Parrot’ in the October, 2010 issue #153, of Parrots magazine. You may read a summary of this article in Leslie’s post “Soaked vs Sprouted Seeds”.
What is a Functional Food?
According to Jennifer K. Nelson, M.S., R.D., L.D., nutritionist with the Mayo Clinic, “Functional foods are foods that have a potentially positive effect on health. Of course, all foods are functional in the sense that they have nutrients or other substances that provide energy, sustain growth or support vital processes. However, functional foods are generally considered to offer additional benefits that may reduce the risk of disease or promote optimal health.”
Our Sprouting Blends – Evidence of Being a Functional Food
In case studies with Leslie’s clients and in clinical observations we have documented the reversal of avian cataracts, and the prevention of arthritis and arteriosclerosis.
For more information:
Features and Benefits of Our Sprouting Blends

Sir Charles, White-eyed Conure, loves his BBFE sprouts.
Why Must a Blend Grow for Two to Three Days?
Why do you want to feed your bird’s sprouts? Is it because you’ve read they’re highly nutritious? Have you discovered that feeding sprouts takes less time than chopping fresh fruits and vegetables? Or do you just want your birds to have the best diet possible? All of these answers are great reasons for growing sprouts. And if you’re growing sprouts because you want your bird’s to have the highest nutrition possible, then you must feeding a sprouting blend that can be grown for two to three days.
How Does Growing Sprouts Effect Nutrition?
Why is it important to grow your sprouts for two to three days. Because the longer number of days they grow, the more nutritious they are.
For more information see
“Nutrition for Avian Wellness”
You’ve got to be feeding your birds a well-balanced formula of a properly grown sprouting blend – or they’re missing vital nutrients. Nutrients that build healthy bodies, grow healthy feathers and support stable personalities.
Did this article answer all your questions about properly growing sprouts? Please let us know. Send a comment, or ask a question.
I can only shake my head regarding other people’s food choices. Honestly, the majority of people just don’t have a clue. The only thing we can do is to live healthily ourselves and spread the word… all the while hoping that our stories and testimonies will inspire others to change their lives.
Thank you for an useful blog post. Well-researched and bang on topic. Please continue the great work.