Sprouting Blend Ingredients
All our Sprouting Blends have been especially formulated to provide the highest level of nutrition possible for your birds. Our proprietary formulas contain complete protein.

The Best Bird Food Ever! Complete Protein Sprouting Blend and at 3 days growth-ready to feed.
Our Original Sprouting Blend
– pictured here
Contains a proprietary blend of 100% Organic Human-Grade quality ingredients: lentils, buckwheat, wheat berries, brown rice, and mung beans.

Our Wheat-Free Sprouting Blend packaged and at three days growth-ready to feed.
Our Wheat-Free Sprouting Blend
– pictured here
Contains a proprietary blend of 100% Organic Human-Grade quality ingredients: lentils, buckwheat, brown rice, and mung beans.
Original or Wheat-Free ?
When to Feed Our Wheat-Free Sprouting Blend
Wheat is a common allergen for people and animals. Many people who have sensitivities to foods containing wheat purchase our Wheat-Free Sprouting Blend.
Some people purchase our Wheat-Free Sprouting Blend because they have noticed that it is the sprouting blend their birds prefer.
While others purchase our Wheat-Free Sprouting Blend if one of their birds has a chronic viral infection or problems with a reoccurring candida infection. When working to eliminate candida from the body a candida elimination diet must be consumed at the same time the individual is receiving treatment to eliminate the fungus.
Wheat is one of the primary foods to avoid while on a candida cleansing diet. This sprouting blend is used in conjunction with a personalized nutritional plan specifically designed to build the body resistance to this fungus, while also cleansing it from the body. If your bird has a reoccurring candida infection, please contact us for more information on how a personalized nutritional plan can help your bird heal into a healthy recovery.
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