Balanced Nutrition Nourishes and Heals
According to avian veterinarians malnutrition is the leading cause of illness, disease, and early death in companion parrots.
This statistic is tragic!
Especially, because malnutrition can easily be prevented.
Well nourished parrots are healthier, and healthy parrots have a natural resistance against illness and disease. The best way to avoid avian malnutrition is by feeding the best sprouting blend for parrots. Continue reading to learn about the essential qualities to look for, and the nutrients our sprouts provide.

The Best Bird Food Ever! Complete Protein Sprouting Blend and at 3 days growth-ready to feed.
Balanced Nutrition Feeds the Body
By feeding the best, nutrient rich, diet possible. Each nutritional component – each vitamin, mineral, antioxidant, enzyme, and amino acid – provides unique properties the body needs to retain or regain good health. By providing your parrots superior nutrition in the form of sprouts you pave the way for radiant health, longevity, and emotional well being. The cornerstone of good health is feeding a balanced diet that is nutrient dense and contains complete protein. Let’s explore why our sprouts are so nutritious for your birds.
Complete Protein
First of all the sprouting blend you feed your birds must contain complete protein. Our sprouting blends are described as a functional food (providing benefits beyond nutrition) because they contain all the essential amino acids your parrot must eat every day. Our sprouting blends, when properly grown, provide these essential nutrients in an easily digested form.
We’ve seen the results of birds being fed a sprouting formula containing incomplete protein. Unfortunately, these birds developed symptoms of malnutrition even though they were receiving sprouts. However, we’ve also seen the rewards of feeding a sprouting blend that provides complete protein from plant sources.
Recent clinical observations have indicated that our proprietary 100% Organic – Complete Protein – Sprouting Blends may have played a role in preventing the development of certain diseases typically associated with a parrot’s normal aging process. In light of this, and other clinical observations, our Sprouting Blends provide a superior food source for supporting chronic illness, preventing disease and improving a bird’s health.
The Sprouting Process
When any seed, nut, grain or legume is sprouted the entire chemical composition changes. Soaking triggers germination. After soaking a sprout’s growth has just begun. In order to reach peak nutrition, germinated seeds, grains and legumes must be allowed to grow for a period of time.

Sample of a ‘Balanced’ meal for a medium-sized parrot.
Nutrient Dense
Our BBFE sprouts are a nutrient dense food. They provide animo acid proteins in a form that is easily digested. Properly grown sprouts are rich in enzymes, vitamins, and the minerals they contain have been chelated making them much easier for the body to assimilate.
BBFE sprouts also contain an overwhelming abundance of antioxidants. It is vital for your bird to eat foods containing a wide variety of antioxidants because antioxidants neutralize free radicals throughout the body.
Antioxidants come in a variety of forms, each one providing unique chemical components as they target and bind to specific free radicals. Extensive research data has shown that a combination of antioxidants provides greater protection than any single nutritional antioxidant alone.
Important antioxidants found in our Sprouting Blends include vitamins A (beta-carotene), C, and E, flavonoids and superoxide dismutase (SOD). Bean and legume sprouts contain anthocyanins, a powerful flavonoid.
The Sprout Growing Process
When sproutable foods are germinated and allowed to grow they become an abundant source of enzymes. By nature enzymes are catalysts – substances that induce hundreds of thousands of biochemical processes in the body. Enzymes make every single biochemical process in the body possible. The brain, nervous system, vascular system, cell regeneration, growth, immunity, the digestive system, and all the vital organs – the liver, kidneys, heart, and lungs all depend on enzymes to function properly. According to Clinical Nutritionist Phyllis Balch, in her book “Prescription for Nutritional Healing”, sprouts (not soaked seed but sprouts that have been allowed to grow for a period of time) are the most abundant source of enzymes available. Although all raw foods contain some enzymes the amounts present in sprouts can be 10 to 100 times greater than the amounts that are present in raw fresh fruits and vegetables.
The enzymes present in our sprouts also enable more efficient digestion. The starch in a sprout’s cell wall is easily converted into simple sugars because amylase, the enzyme that breaks down starch, was formed during the sprouting process. Protein digestion is enhanced by the creation of protease, and the lipase produced transforms fats into water soluble fatty acid components.
Proteins, Essential to Life
Like enzymes, proteins are also essential to life. Proteins form the structural basis of chromosomes. Each DNA strand contains the genetic code that is the formula for making that cell’s unique protein chain. Proteins are the primary building blocks that makeup every cell in the body. Because of this, proteins build healthy muscles, blood, skin, feathers, nails, and vital internal organs. Proteins are essential for proper growth, development and a well functioning immune system. Every biochemical process in a parrot’s body depends on adequate levels of complete protein being eaten every day. Because the sprouting process converts complex protein chains into their basic amino acids, feeding a sprouting blend that contains all the essential amino acids provides an easily digested source of complete protein.
Ten Essential Amino Acids
Parrots require ten essential amino acids in their daily diet. Six of these essential amino acids are available in a wide variety of foods. However, four of them – isoleucine, lysine, tryptophan, and methionine are only present in sufficient quantities in certain foods.
So how can you ensure that your bird is receiving a balance of essential amino acids from plant-based foods? Feed a sprouting blend like ours that has been especially formulated to provide Complete Protein. We have the health of your birds in mind.

Sir Charles, White-eyed Conure, loves his BBFE sprouts.
Superior Nutrition Supports Health
Our sprouting blends have been shown to improve health. Their superior nutritional content helps build resistance to illness and disease by supporting the immune system. The antioxidants in sprouts have been shown to be effective in preventing cancer. Those who feed their parrots our sprouting blends report that their birds are healthier and happier.
Parrots being fed our sprouting blends develop brilliant plumage that glows with the radiance only a truly healthy bird can have.
Once you understand the proper instructions, and to sprout for your unique climate and area, sprouts are simple to grow and can easily be added to the fresh foods you are now feeding your birds. Our Complete Sprouting Kit provides you everything you need to succeed.
Start Receiving the Benefits of Best Bird Food Ever! sprouts today!
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I am a new “sprouter” and was surprised that even I could do this. It really is quite easy, and your direction are so helpful.
The best part is that my Eclectus and Grey will eat their sprouts first and will not go back to their fresh fruit and veggies until they are hungry again. It’s great knowing that they are getting far more nutritious food than seeds, and the sprouts are free of chemicals and pesticides.
My first order of 1 pound was an experiment – I didn’t even know if my birds would take to sprouts. Now that they love them so much, I will be a permanent customer.
Thanks again.