Feather Destruction Quaker Parrot

Quaker Mutilation Syndrome (QMS)-Study

Do You Know Someone Struggling with QMS? (No Mutilation Photos in this Post) Rare Opportunity—Become Part of a Groundbreaking Study Background Leslie may have found a nutritional ‘cure’ for Quaker Mutilation Syndrome and other feather destruction behaviors. Leslie’s approach is 100% natural using only wholesome, organic, natural foods. In writing her articles for Parrots magazine…

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Is Your Parrot Malnourished?

. . . There are three ways to determine if your parrot or finch is malnourished. If your birds have any of these symptoms they are not eating the best parrot diet possible. . . . . . ONE: Physical Symptoms TWO: Behaviors THREE: Examine their Diet . . . 1. Most Common Physical Symptoms…

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Health & Nutrition

Our Sprouting Blends Judged Best in UK

In the November, 2016,  issue of Parrots magazine Terry Goldsmith shares his sprouting experiences.   According to Terry, “There are many different varieties of sprouts on the market and it is essential to buy a good quality mix.” Terry continues, “I have used many brought from different sources, but have found Leslie Moran’s ‘Best Bird…

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BehaviorFeather Destruction Green-cheeked Conure

Natural Parrot Care: Why do Parrots Pick Their Feathers?

This begins a new series discussing how to heal feather destruction habits in parrots. In sharing this information with you I ask you to acknowledge along with me that parrots are intelligent, sentient and self-aware individuals capable of feeling a wide range of human-like emotions. Improper or Imbalanced Nutrition Avian malnutrition, undernutrition and nutritional imbalances…

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Health & Nutrition Crimson-winged parrot, male.

Nutritional Daily Requirements for Parrots

This blog contains excerpts from my column, ‘The Holistic Parrot’,  that appears in the March 2011, #158 issue of Parrots magazine.   x Nutritional Daily Requirements – Determining Minimum, Recommended and Optimal Levels The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) published a preliminary report in 1998 titled, “Nutrition Expert Panel Review, New Rules for…

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Sprouting Q&A OSB Kit with Glass Jar

Learning to Sprout

Sprouting really is a simple process that’s easy to learn.  However, most people get into trouble by trying to learn about sprouting from the information on websites. The reason this creates problems is that these websites are describing the sprouting method the works for them and where they live.  Even if you happened to live…

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