Health & NutritionMalnutrition The Best Bird Food Ever! Complete Protein Sprouting Blend and at 3 days growth-ready to feed.

Antioxidant Foods Contribute to Good Health

Numerous diseases, degenerative conditions and even the aging process itself, have been linked to free-radical damage. A free-radical is a highly reactive molecule that can bind to and destroy other molecules. Also known as oxidative damage, free-radical damage can cause irreversible damage to body cells and physiological processes. Feeding your parrots a “Balanced Exotic Avian…

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Malnutrition OSB Sprouts

Let’s End Avian Malnutrition!

  End Avian Malnutrition With Our ‘Balanced Exotic Avian  Food Plan’   The only way to End Avian Malnutrition for your birds is to feed them a specific combination and balance of foods everyday that provides these three things: 1. The hundreds of nutrients a parrot or finch must eat everyday must be in a…

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Health & Nutrition

Our Sprouting Blends Judged Best in UK

In the November, 2016,  issue of Parrots magazine Terry Goldsmith shares his sprouting experiences.   According to Terry, “There are many different varieties of sprouts on the market and it is essential to buy a good quality mix.” Terry continues, “I have used many brought from different sources, but have found Leslie Moran’s ‘Best Bird…

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Sprouting Q&A The Best Bird Food Ever! Complete Protein Sprouting Blend and at 3 days growth-ready to feed.

Why $15.95 per pound?

  . This comes from the friend of a loyal customer:   . QUESTION I can buy the ingredients at my local market for $2.50 a pound … why should I buy your product for $15.95 a pound?   Thanks for your great questions. Let me explain.   Yes, anyone can pick up ingredients and…

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Health & NutritionSprouting Q&A Sample of a 'Balanced' meal for a medium-sized parrot.

Feeding Parrots: Photos of Nutritious Meals

  I begin every personalized avian nutrition consultation by explaining the importance of having a properly formulated, properly grown sprouting blend make up at least 50 % of the bird’s diet.   When I say properly formulated and properly grown, I mean a sprouting blend that has been formulated to provide complete protein and on…

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Health & NutritionMalnutrition Yellow-eared parrots at nesting cavity.

Feeding Parrots: Nutrition Essential for Good Health

When wanting to keep our parrots healthy so many people focus on avoiding the pathogens. However, we live on a planet that’s full of them: aspergillosis, candida, bacteria, viral infections and the like.  Aspergillosis and candida are ubiquitous … meaning they are everywhere. Aspergillosis is most commonly found in garden soil and compost.   Aspergillosis–Everywhere…

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