Health & Nutrition parrot food for Green-cheeked conure

Never Feed These Foods to Parrots – Kiwi’s Story

What commonly fed foods should never be given to parrots? Red palm oil, dog and cat food, all parrot pellets, all synthetic bird vitamins, all food colorings, all non-organic foods, all dried (freeze dried, dehydrated foods), and all foods high in omega-6 essential fatty acids. Never feed these foods to parrots – as you will…

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Balanced Food Plan Pineapple conure loves BBFE!

FIRST Balanced Food Plan for Parrots

My “Balanced Food Plan for Parrots” is the first of its kind. And you can buy your copy now. Birds eat such a tiny amount of food so it is extremely important that each beak-full be packed with essential nutrients. My Balanced Food Plan uses my complete protein sprouting blend, Best Bird Food Ever!, as…

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Healthy Bird Project Best Budgie Diet, Best Budgie Sprouts

Best Budgie Diet, Best Budgie Sprouts with Spinach

At three and a half weeks into the quarantine period for our Budgies, they already have learned to eat the best Budgie diet and the best Budgie sprouts possible! . These budgies were raised especially for the Healthy Bird Project’s Long-term Health & Longevity Feeding Trial program, and were donated to us for this long-term…

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Health & Nutrition OSB Sprouts

Why Feed Our Sprouting Blends

  Using diet and nutrition for healing and health is the foundation of my work with parrots and all birds. I want to make it easy for you to provide your birds the highest quality, sprouting blends available. And I want you to be successful in learning to sprout the correct way for the climate where…

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Health & Nutrition Balanced Macaw meal.

Feeding Parrots: The Value of Complete Protein

  Many Pretty Food Pictures, Lack Complete Protein Among many parrot related websites I often see photos and ingredient lists of the foods these people feed and recommend feeding parrots.  Although the pictures are colorful and the ingredients are basic, it’s immediately clear to me that these authors know very little about the nutrition our…

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