A balanced Macaw-sized meal, containing our complete protein sprouts.
Many Pretty Food Pictures, Lack Complete Protein
Among many parrot related websites I often see photos and ingredient lists of the foods these people feed and recommend feeding parrots. Although the pictures are colorful and the ingredients are basic, it’s immediately clear to me that these authors know very little about the nutrition our parrots need to eat everyday. Why do I say this? I say this because I’m passionate about ending avian malnutrition and pretty pictures of some type of cooked grain (rice, quinoa or couscous) along with some steamed vegetables (sweet potatoes, yams, carrots, peas or corn) with dry seeds mixed in and some type of herbs or other nutritional foods, are not photos of healthy meals for parrots. In fact, it’s feeding nutritionally unbalanced food combinations like this that are the cause of avian malnutrition.
Complete Honesty
Now please understand, it’s not my intention to criticize or be mean, because I have one goal –to end avian malnutrition. And as I work to end avian malnutrition, parrot lovers like you benefit–because you’ll start feeding your flock healthier, more balanced, food combinations. The only way I can help you understand how essential it is for you to feed your parrots foods that contain complete protein is to be completely honest with you about how these ‘old bird feeding customs’ are hurting the parrots we all love. Our birds are being harmed because complete protein is the most essential nutrient commonly missing in a parrot’s diet, and the list of foods in the first paragraph (‘old bird feeding customs’) lack complete protein.
In just a glance I recognize the signs of dietary malnutrition. If foods fed to parrots and other birds do not contain sources of complete protein from plant-based sources–everyday and at every meal– this means that the diet being fed lacks certain key nutritional elements that are vital to the health and well-being of these birds.

Our Complete Protein Sprouts, properly grown, three days growth.
Proteins are essential to life
Every living organism is composed of protein. And because of this, proteins are the primary building blocks for muscles, blood, skin, feathers, nails and vital internal organs. Complete protein is also essential for proper growth and development and fuel the body’s ability to form and regulate hormones, enzymes and antibodies. And because complete protein is responsible for every life sustaining biochemical process in the body, these nutrients are essential for a parrot’s good health. However, too much protein from the wrong sources can also cause problems.
Complete Protein = Good Health
If the good health and well being of the birds under your care is important to you, then ensuring that your birds receive complete protein, plant-based meals, daily is the first most important action you can take in behalf of their welfare. A more detailed discussion of providing parrots and other birds complete protein can be found in the new Chapter 5 of my Sprouting Book, currently being completely revised and updated.
Especially for You
In the mean time, the three part article series on this website: “What is Avian Malnutrition”, “How Does Avian Malnutrition Harm Your Birds”, and “Let’s End Avian Malnutrition!”, will give you valuable insights into the essential need for complete protein in your parrot or finches diet. Read these three articles here: “Biggest Risk to Your Birds”.
Balanced Exotic Avian Nutrition
In my work with parrots and all birds I use diet and nutrition for maintaining their good health and for reversing the symptoms of illness and disease. The foundation of my diet and nutritional plans are my complete protein sprouting blends. I created them because nothing comparable is available, and I want others – including you – to begin receiving the good results my clients witness and that I see with the birds under my care.
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I have a question. I do understand the value of complete protein, and I do feed my parrots sprouts. How can you be certain that your parrot is actually eating the combination of sprouts that give the whole protein? What if your parrot picks out the rice, for example?
Thanks in advance for any information.
Hi Melissa,
Great question,thanks for asking it.
By understanding the value of your birds eating complete protein, you are way ahead of a majority of people.
The best way to ensure your birds are receiving complete protein, is to only feed an amount of our sprouting blends that they will actually eat. You can start with with feeding just a spoonful of our sprouts, then observe how long it takes for your birds to empty their food bowls.
So many people give a single bird so much food, that the bird only picks out the favorite foods. But by serving only the amount that your bird will eat for that meal, you will be training them to eat all their sprouts – thereby receiving complete protein.
I hope this helps,
Enjoy sprouting,
In Health & Healing for parrots everywhere,
Leslie Moran
Hi Melissa,
A part of my new approach to feeding parrots a balance of wholesome foods, that meets all their nutritional needs, has to do with ONLY feeding the amount of food they will eat each day.
BBFE sprouts have been specifically formulated to proved parrots and finches compete protein. Because our birds eat such a minuscule amount of food, compared to us, ensuring that every beak-full contains essential nutrients, especially complete protein, is very important.
Hi Leslie,
That’s good to know!
I’m one of those who is probably feeding too many sprouts at one time, then.
Thanks for the great information and help!