Balanced Food Plan Pineapple conure loves BBFE!

FIRST Balanced Food Plan for Parrots

My “Balanced Food Plan for Parrots” is the first of its kind. And you can buy your copy now. Birds eat such a tiny amount of food so it is extremely important that each beak-full be packed with essential nutrients. My Balanced Food Plan uses my complete protein sprouting blend, Best Bird Food Ever!, as…

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Healthy Bird Project Best Budgie Diet, Best Budgie Sprouts

Best Budgie Diet, Best Budgie Sprouts with Spinach

At three and a half weeks into the quarantine period for our Budgies, they already have learned to eat the best Budgie diet and the best Budgie sprouts possible! . These budgies were raised especially for the Healthy Bird Project’s Long-term Health & Longevity Feeding Trial program, and were donated to us for this long-term…

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Balanced Food PlanSupplements Avian Lighting Wave Length Chart

Best Parrot Light: Must Know Info

      Did you know that instead of using potentially dangerous vitamin D3 supplements, that there is a simpler and easier way – using proper lighting, the best parrot light – to ensure your birds get this essential nutrient?         In Leslie’s Article, “Avian Lighting: Essential, Simple and Easy”, you’ll learn:…

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Parrot Supplements – Not Needed!

Parrot supplements vs A Balance of Real Food When parrots and finches joined my family in 1998, I used to feed them a wide variety of supplements. But the only reason I did this was because I was just starting to learn about the correct combination of foods that makes up a TRUE–‘Balanced Exotic Avian…

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Our Sprouting Blends OSB Sprouts

Sprouting Blends – Expected Rate of Use

x Our Original Sprouting and Wheat-Free Sprouting Blends. x Initial Setup: If you are new to sprouting our Complete Sprouting Kit is for you. x       Monthly Maintenance   A one pound bag of either our Original or Wheat-Free Sprouting Blend makes over  9  1/2 cups of sprouts.          …

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Behavior White-eyed Conure

How Malnutrition Affects Parrot Behavior

Best Parrot Food for Nutrition   What is Malnutrition? To get to the root cause of inappropriate parrot behaviors, we’ve got to talk about avian malnutrition. Let’s look at how malnutrition affects parrot behavior. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, malnutrition is a common and detrimental condition that must be addressed quickly and…

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Testimonials Pearly Conures, enjoying our sprouting blends.

Rosemary Low: Your Sprouting Mixes are Excellent!

February 17, 2012   Dear Leslie,   I found your sprouting mixes excellent. Indeed, when I spoke about Parrot Nutrition at the Think Parrots meeting, Mike Taylor of Northern Parrots told me he had a big rush on sprouting mixtures afterwards! One comment I received, was that the sprouted grains I showed in my photo…

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Health & NutritionMalnutrition Yellow-eared parrots at nesting cavity.

Feeding Parrots: Nutrition Essential for Good Health

When wanting to keep our parrots healthy so many people focus on avoiding the pathogens. However, we live on a planet that’s full of them: aspergillosis, candida, bacteria, viral infections and the like.  Aspergillosis and candida are ubiquitous … meaning they are everywhere. Aspergillosis is most commonly found in garden soil and compost.   Aspergillosis–Everywhere…

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