BehaviorNew Food Success sprouts

Be Successful: Parrots & New Foods – Part 2

Slip the New In With the Old One way of introducing sprouts and other new foods, such as fresh fruits and steamed or raw vegetables, is to mix them in with the existing food you’re feeding. Out of curiosity, your bird will being sampling the unfamiliar items, and you can gradually begin to decrease the…

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BehaviorTestimonials bird

Leslie’s Methods are Truly Amazing!

.     Leslie’s methods helped me create a better relationship between my new puppy and my older dog. I was shocked at the level of understanding my older dog showed with just my talking to her. Truly amazing!   Hal Geyer Reno, NV ****** Leslie’s Secret for Improving Animal Behaviors >

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Behavior Go-fund-me-image

The Secret to Improving Animal Behaviors

  Whether you’re working with a parrots, dog, cat, horse or Guinea pig there is one secret that works for improving behaviors in animals – acknowledging their sentience and self-awareness. . Sentience Defined The dictionary defines sentience as being able to perceive or feel things.  While self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of one’s own character,…

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