Sprouting Q&A White nylon net

Sprouting: Failed Attempts & Jar Size

If you are sprouting for only one parrot, this blog post will help you improve your success. Using too large a jar for the amount of BBFE! you sprout can cause failed attempts. An email from one of our customers: Hello Leslie, This morning will mark the third day of sprouting (I opened a new…

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Healthy Bird Project Best Budgie Diet, Best Budgie Sprouts

Best Budgie Diet, Best Budgie Sprouts with Spinach

At three and a half weeks into the quarantine period for our Budgies, they already have learned to eat the best Budgie diet and the best Budgie sprouts possible! . These budgies were raised especially for the Healthy Bird Project’s Long-term Health & Longevity Feeding Trial program, and were donated to us for this long-term…

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Feather Destruction Quaker Parrot

Quaker Mutilation Syndrome (QMS)-Study

Do You Know Someone Struggling with QMS? (No Mutilation Photos in this Post) Rare Opportunity—Become Part of a Groundbreaking Study Background Leslie may have found a nutritional ‘cure’ for Quaker Mutilation Syndrome and other feather destruction behaviors. Leslie’s approach is 100% natural using only wholesome, organic, natural foods. In writing her articles for Parrots magazine…

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