Reiki Animal Initiations
The universal life energy present in all living beings is the healing force that is accessed when either giving or receiving a Reiki treatment. Since Reiki has the ability to affect healing on a mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual level the animals who have been initiated in Reiki are able to receive a personalized and enhanced form of these healing influences.

Elvis, Green-cheeked Conure receives Reiki from Leslie.
First Degree Reiki
In first degree Reiki it is taught that whenever a Reiki practitioner’s hands are touching someone the Reiki healing energy is naturally activated and begins flowing out of the hands and into whomever the practitioner is touching. This presents a very remarkable opportunity to animals who have been initiated in Reiki.
Animals and the Earth
Due to the individual nature of each species of animal each one relates to the earth and their environment in a unique way. Those with feathers and the four-legged ones actually participate in an energy exchange with Mother earth.
There are a variety of situations which can cause a decrease in the quality and volume of this energy exchange. The way an animal perceives and experiences physical, emotional, or mental stress are key factors. The presence, or the development, of illness, physical symptoms such as itching, or emotional, or behavioral changes can indicate that this energy flow has become constricted. I teach my clients and Reiki students how to remedy this and help restore a healthy and proper energy flow between an animal and the earth.
The Earth Energy, Reiki Balance
After an animal receives a Reiki initiation the presence of the universal life force energy which saturates Reiki adds a richness and depth to the healing energy exchange between the animals and the earth.
Because the four-legged ones spend so much time on all fours every moment their feet are touching the earth, the floor, or someone, the Reiki energy is flowing. And whenever the Reiki energy is flowing both the giver and the receiver are benefiting from the balancing and healing effects of this universal life force energy. Every time an animal who has received a Reiki initiation is standing, walking, or running both the animal and the earth are receiving the Reiki healing energy.

Leslie doing ‘hands-on healing’ work with this senior dog.
Reiki Heals Animals and the Earth
The consequences of this can have a profound effect both on the animal giving the Reiki and on the healing energies flowing into Mother earth. For many from sensitive inituitives, to biologists, and scientists the earth has become known as a living, sentient being herself. One definition is that all life forms on earth are part of a single planetary being called Gaia. And these organisms and life forms present within Gaia are in some manner working to restore balance – or homeostasis – to themselves and their environment. This model also applies to individual animals or people since symptoms and illness arise in an attempt to try and restore oneself to health and balance. The healing influences of Reiki on the earth will naturally help her restore herself to balance. As this happens we’ll see improvement in the health of individual ecosystems, and ultimately our whole environment.
Sometimes to have the most effect on a physical situation a nonphysical, spiritual approach can be the most appropriate course of action to produce unexpected favorable results.
Reiki Supports the Healing Process
Having your critter kids initiated in Reiki can help them in their process of healing emotional, behavioral, or physical imbalances. This occurs because as the Reiki energy is naturally activated they also receive this healing energy as they are giving it. Reiki can also help keep them healthy. As the energy flows it is an ideal preventive health care healing method. It can provide the animals the awareness of having a very important job regarding the healing work they are now able to do with themselves, for you, and for the planet. Many animals are so grateful to be able to give back to the people they love by giving Reiki to them. All it takes is a paw on your thigh or in your hand and you are receiving first degree Reiki from your critter kid.
As the animals receive the second and third degree Reiki attunements their ability to access the healing properties of the universal life force energy increases. They can also become more creative in giving and sending Reiki healing as well.
Any animal can receive a Reiki initiation. All I need is a full body picture of the animal taken within the last year. I offer the first, second, and third degree levels for animals. These initiations can be done long distance and are done during a scheduled appointment time. Every animal who receives a Reiki initiation will also receive a certificate suitable for framing.
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