Balanced Food Plan Pineapple conure loves BBFE!

FIRST Balanced Food Plan for Parrots

My “Balanced Food Plan for Parrots” is the first of its kind. And you can buy your copy now. Birds eat such a tiny amount of food so it is extremely important that each beak-full be packed with essential nutrients. My Balanced Food Plan uses my complete protein sprouting blend, Best Bird Food Ever!, as…

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Health & NutritionVideos Karen Becker DVM, awards Game Changer Award to Leslie Moran

Feed Your Birds Whole Foods, Dr Karen Becker

The New Movement to Feed Pet Birds Whole Foods STORY AT-A-GLANCE Leslie Moran, a holistic animal nutrition and care consultant, is passionate about ending avian malnutrition in exotic birds, parrots and finches. She was given a ‘Healthy Pets Animal Game Changer Award’ for the work she’s doing to teach bird lovers how to feed species-appropriate,…

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