Testimonials Pineapple green-cheeked conure eating BBFE sprouts.

BBFE! Testimonials

Our clients tell why  Best Bird Food Ever! are the best parrot sprouts Kings Row Pet Hospital LOVES Our Sprouting Blends As a vet, over the past 30 years, I have seen a wide range of parrots and other birds for a far-reaching variety of health problems. Over this time I have also become acutely…

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BehaviorParrots Magazine Eclectus female

Parrot Comfort Sounds

The full article, ‘Discovering your bird’s ‘comfort sounds’, appears in the December, 2021, issue of Parrots magazine.    Join the Fun, Email me a video of your parrot’s comfort sounds. Our parrots vocalize in a variety of creative and unique ways. From mimicking cell phone ringers to repeating private and personal conversations, to deafening screams.…

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