Healthy Bird Project Best Budgie Diet, Best Budgie Sprouts

Best Budgie Diet, Best Budgie Sprouts with Spinach

At three and a half weeks into the quarantine period for our Budgies, they already have learned to eat the best Budgie diet and the best Budgie sprouts possible! . These budgies were raised especially for the Healthy Bird Project’s Long-term Health & Longevity Feeding Trial program, and were donated to us for this long-term…

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Is Your Parrot Malnourished?

. . . There are three ways to determine if your parrot or finch is malnourished. If your birds have any of these symptoms they are not eating the best parrot diet possible. . . . . . ONE: Physical Symptoms TWO: Behaviors THREE: Examine their Diet . . . 1. Most Common Physical Symptoms…

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Malnutrition Sir Charles sprouts

How Does Avian Malnutrition Harm Your Birds?

The Experts Explain From the textbook, Avian Medicine: Principles and Application, Patricia MacWhirter, DVM, explains, “Avian malnutrition [or undernutrition] can cause a specific problem or [completely] suppress a bird’s immune system.” Unless a parrot, or finch, receives the type and quantity of nutrients needed on a daily basis, malnutrition or undernutrition will result. Also from,…

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