TestimonialsVideos Best Budgie Sprouts

These Budgies LOVE BBFE Sprouts!

This testimonial will SHOW you how all birds can enjoy and benefit from BBFE! sprouts, as these budgies LOVE BBFE sprouts!     ❝Thank you Leslie for helping me teach my Budgies, Tweety Pie and Buddy, to eat healthier foods. They LOVE your BBFE! sprouts. When I first started working with you Tweety Pie had…

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Healthy Bird Project Best Budgie Diet, Best Budgie Sprouts

Best Budgie Diet, Best Budgie Sprouts with Spinach

At three and a half weeks into the quarantine period for our Budgies, they already have learned to eat the best Budgie diet and the best Budgie sprouts possible! . These budgies were raised especially for the Healthy Bird Project’s Long-term Health & Longevity Feeding Trial program, and were donated to us for this long-term…

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Testimonials Pearly Conures, enjoying our sprouting blends.

Rosemary Low: Your Sprouting Mixes are Excellent!

February 17, 2012   Dear Leslie,   I found your sprouting mixes excellent. Indeed, when I spoke about Parrot Nutrition at the Think Parrots meeting, Mike Taylor of Northern Parrots told me he had a big rush on sprouting mixtures afterwards! One comment I received, was that the sprouted grains I showed in my photo…

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Testimonials 7 Budgies

My 7 Budgies Wait for Your Sprouts!

. Hi Leslie,   This is my second order from you … I’ve been using sprouts for about a year now. My 7 budgies wait in line every morning for them!   Yes, please post this to your website, it would help budgie owners feed their babies food that’s healthy for them.   Glad you’re…

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Health & NutritionMalnutrition Yellow-eared parrots at nesting cavity.

Feeding Parrots: Nutrition Essential for Good Health

When wanting to keep our parrots healthy so many people focus on avoiding the pathogens. However, we live on a planet that’s full of them: aspergillosis, candida, bacteria, viral infections and the like.  Aspergillosis and candida are ubiquitous … meaning they are everywhere. Aspergillosis is most commonly found in garden soil and compost.   Aspergillosis–Everywhere…

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