Superior Nutrition, BBFE Complete Analysis
. Do you think you’re feeding your birds a well balanced diet? When using food, as a healing tool, and for keeping your birds healthy you need to feed the best and most nutritious parrot food available. In my “Balanced Food Plan for Parrots” (larger than 50 grams) our sprouting blends (Best Bird Food Ever!…
How to ID the Best Sprouts for your Bird
Parrots must eat hundreds of nutrients every day. Learn how our bird food sprouting blends take the guesswork out of feeding your flock balanced nutrition. And how to choose the best sprouts for your birds. Feed Your Flock the Best I know you want to do what’s right when it comes to feeding…
Why I Created the BBFE
I created the Best Bird Food Ever! (BBFE) because the ‘old way’ of feeding parrots: give a wide variety of foods, was killing my birds. When birds first joined my family, in 1997, I belonged to three different bird clubs: RAAVE (Reno Area Avian Enthusiasts), Capitol City Bird Club, in Sacramento, CA; and…
Let’s End Avian Malnutrition!
End Avian Malnutrition With Our ‘Balanced Exotic Avian Food Plan’ The only way to End Avian Malnutrition for your birds is to feed them a specific combination and balance of foods everyday that provides these three things: 1. All of the hundreds of nutrients a parrot or finch must eat everyday must be in…
How Does Avian Malnutrition Harm Your Birds?
The Experts Explain From the textbook, Avian Medicine: Principles and Application, Patricia MacWhirter, DVM, explains, “Avian malnutrition [or undernutrition] can cause a specific problem or [completely] suppress a bird’s immune system.” Unless a parrot, or finch, receives the type and quantity of nutrients needed on a daily basis, malnutrition or undernutrition will result. Also from,…
Antioxidant Foods Contribute to Good Health
Numerous diseases, degenerative conditions and even the aging process itself, have been linked to free-radical damage. A free-radical is a highly reactive molecule that can bind to and destroy other molecules. Also known as oxidative damage, free-radical damage can cause irreversible damage to body cells and physiological processes. Feeding your parrots a “Balanced Exotic Avian…
Feeding Parrots: Using Diet for Good Health and Healing, Part 1
x x The Overlooked Connection What ever a bird eats and drinks creates his level of wellness, or lack of health. But why is this so? There are a variety of factors that cause sickness and disease. Here we will focus on diet and nutrition, because the food and drink a parrot consumes either…
Be Successful: Parrots & New Foods – Part 2
Slip the New In With the Old One way of introducing sprouts and other new foods, such as fresh fruits and steamed or raw vegetables, is to mix them in with the existing food you’re feeding. Out of curiosity, your bird will being sampling the unfamiliar items, and you can gradually begin to decrease the…
Bird-Friendly Raw Rose Hip Jam
Raw Rose Hip Jam for Parrots Looking for a healthy training treat for your parrot? You’ve found it! Our bird-friendly rose hip jam will tempt them all. . . . . . 1. Purchase organic, high quality, seed-free, dried rose hips. Our Rosehips are Organic, Seedless, Cut & Sifted, perfect for making this Raw…
Why Feed Our Sprouting Blends
Using diet and nutrition for healing and health is the foundation of my work with parrots and all birds. I want to make it easy for you to provide your birds the highest quality, sprouting blends available. And I want you to be successful in learning to sprout the correct way for the climate where…